Last call for delivery changes

Last call for delivery requests on Friday, November 24th! Waltco will not deliver on Thanksgiving (11/23) and will only deliver on Friday (11/24) to libraries that request it.

To request delivery on Friday (11/24) you MUST fill out THIS FORM by Friday the 17th.

Questions go to Katelyn at

Scholarship deadline extended!

You now have until Dec 1 to apply for this national conference! Public Library Association Conference (April 3-5 in Columbus, OH).  Please take a look and consider applying for a full or partial scholarship to attend.

You can find more ideas, information and links on the 2023-24 IFLS Scholarships information sheet, Questions should be sent to Leah (

Tip Jar

Interlibrary Loan: It’s always a good idea to include the paging slip with your outgoing ILL material – it includes the Wiscat or ILL request number for the borrower’s reference!

IFLS OverDrive advantage fund

As you review year-end budgets, if you would like to contribute funds to the IFLS OverDrive Advantage fund, please let Cecelia know no later than Monday, December 11th. Cecelia will finalize selection orders for e-materials the following week.  To those libraries who have contributed funds already this year, thank you!

Cecelia sent out a detailed email on Nov 13. Contact Cecelia with questions:

Youth mental health video: watch and share

Chippewa Valley Mental Health Matters, an organization that is dedicated to promoting resilience for youth in Eau Claire and Chippewa counties, has created a 30-minute video about adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and youth resilience.  The video, called Shaping Destiny, is about youth mental health and resilience, and features Chippewa Valley youth and youth-serving professionals.  It was designed to use as a training tool for people who work with kids, and it might provide some useful information for people working with adults, as well!  Feel free to share this free resource widely.

New from Transparent Language Online

Introducing the ASL for Librarians Course in Transparent Language Online.

If you’re a librarian hoping to better serve Deaf and hard of hearing patrons, this self-guided course is for you.In just 15 hours you’ll be able to:👉 fingerspell with the manual alphabet👉 sign common library terms👉 communicate with patrons about library services

Coming Up

Kanopy webinar

(Info from WiLS) Kanopy is having a great end-of-the-year promotion for any libraries interested their flagship Pay-Per-Use streaming video service, which includes over 31,000 films and tv shows. From November 13 to December 22, any library that comes on board will receive their first full month of usage for free. Libraries would just need to agree to receiving their launch email with live link on or before January 15, 2024.

Paula Roman will be hosting a virtual session for any public library interested in the Kanopy Pay-Per-Use or Kanopy PLUS next Tuesday, November 21, at noon CST. Here is the registration link. The webinar will be recorded and shared with registrants so please register even if you are unable to attend.

Included are links to three pieces with information about both of the programs, as well as our new Kanopy Kids subscription of over 2,600 titles.

Some notes about Kanopy for IFLS librarians from Cecelia :

  • At this time, MORE has not pursued a system-wide subscription to Kanopy.
  • Any new subscriptions would be purchased and managed by individual libraries and accessible to patrons of those libraries only (some MORE libraries already have individual subscriptions to Kanopy).
  • The promotion deadline is December 22, so any decisions regarding a new subscription for your library would need to be made within the next month in order to participate in the promotion.

On the IFLS calendar