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Resources for Talking about Charlottesville with Kids
We have to keep talking, providing resources, shining a light where it is needed, and helping kids, teens, and families cope with some of the tough things in our world. The recent events in Charlottesville and the increasing rise of white supremacy and other hate groups is one. There are some good resources, pulled together by Teen Librarian Toolbox.
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Tuesday, November 12, 1-2 pm According to recent data, only 37% of Wisconsin third-graders ranked as proficient or better at reading. There has been a lot of discussion nationally and statewide about the ways literacy instruction has been failing kids, especially...
LOTS of people (including, I’m sure, some you know and love) are applying for Unemployment Insurance—numbers are probably going to continue to rise. This webinar will be recorded, and will also be repeated live sometime in May. This will help you be ready for...
There are lots of approaches to customer service, and many different ways to think about it. It is one of the things people request the most information about, and not surprisingly there are a lot of archived webinars about this topic! Here are just a few! (And...