NASA Science Space Workshop
Leah Langby
February 6, 2012

Lots of cool stuff to share from the Summer Library Program Workshop, but first, some time-sensitive information about a super-cool opportunity!

NASA Space Science Worskhop

Explore: Life on Mars?
What: A workshop for 30 public librarians from Wisconsin where participants will:
  • Learn about Mars and the possibility of life beyond earth with UW Madison Scientists
  • Try out hands-on activities and learn about resources to use with 8-13 year olds
  • Discuss reaching girls with science information
  • Talk about ways to engage and excite kids about science
When: 9-5 on Tuesday April 3 and Wednesday April 4
Where: UW Geology Museum, University of Wisconsin-Madison
How: Apply by February 22–space is limited!

Other stuff: breakfast, lunch and chocolate included. Lodging, mileage and dinners are not included. The first 25 applicants accepted will be eligible for a $150 stipend to defray costs.

I think someone from IFLS-land should attend this workshop! If you are thinking of applying, let me know by February 15. If no one is applying, I will apply myself and if I am selected I’ll bring ideas back to share.
For more information about the project:

To learn more about the science of astrobiology, visit

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