12/23/2024 - MORE online payment option temporarily unavailable - I'll post an update here when the online payment option is available again, and I'll post a message on the MORE Catalog homepage if the problem persists beyond Monday afternoon.
Many of you have probably already heard about the article in the Wall Street Journal last week by Meghan Cox Gurdon, Darkness Too Visible. It seems that every few years, there is an influential op-ed piece that decries the horrors of current YA literature, and this...
YALSA and Figment have teamed up for an awesome contest in celebration of Teen Tech Week! Teens can write a 750-word essay on how to use a made-up steampunk apparatus on Figment and win an e-reader. Sourcebooks Inc. and Ty Drago, author and publisher of the new The...
We have two new kits available for IFLS libraries to check out. They are specifically designed for using with school age kids, they supplement our Mathmania and Science kits. Here they are:A Flip Video Kit. This kit has 2 Flip Video cameras and accessories. If you...
CSLP, the national organization that creates and coordinates the summer library program, is hosting a teen PSA contest in 2011. The Division for Libraries, Technology, and Community Learning, (DLTCL) is collaborating with the Youth Services Section (YSS) of the...
Thanks to Becky from Prescott for suggesting this excellent and important Youtube Channel:”I just came across the It Gets Better project on Youtube last night. A must see for librarians who serve teens. Every community has gay teens, and with bullying and...