12/23/2024 - MORE online payment option temporarily unavailable - I'll post an update here when the online payment option is available again, and I'll post a message on the MORE Catalog homepage if the problem persists beyond Monday afternoon.
TThanks to Colleen at Chippewa Falls for reminding me that 2013 is that beloved literalist Amelia Bedelia’s 50th Birthday! Her publisher has come up with some suggestions for a party, you can see the resources here. But I bet a lot of you have even...
Thanks to Kathy Larson for this guest post!Every Wednesday afterschool, the school age kids descend upon the library: I have developed a rotating schedule of events to keep things hopping. The first Wednesday is an early release day and we set up...
Time for a round-up of the awesome IFLS-related posts I’ve been putting in the Youth Services Section Shout-Out Blog. Remember, you can always send me your ideas for posting in the YSS blog, or this one, too! Here’s the round-up:Playing Games...
Thanks to Jenna for information about this super-cool voting project in Fall Creek! Over the past few months, adults have been exercising their right to think and tomorrow they will have the chance to vote.Over the past few weeks, Fall Creek youth have been able to...
It’s been a busy week ( I can’t put off writing the grant proposal that’s been dogging me for months any longer)! I’m happy to be back briefly to report on a super-cool program opportunity that Patti (Durand) passed on to me:Star Wars...