Scaling the Walls of Social Isolation

image of someone climbing a wall from PixabaySometimes I end up spending more time on Facebook than I intend to, and often it leaves me feeling yuckier than before I started.  BUT.  Sometimes I find an article that sort of rocks my world, and today I found...

Listening with open hearts

As news of police shootings of African American men proliferate, and at the shootings in Dallas of police officers, my heart is heavy.  I’ve been trying unsuccessfully to write a blog post about it for several days.  I have some things to say about it related to...

Walking Boldly Toward Biases

Several people I know attended the Public Library Association Conference this past spring in Denver (and hearing their tales of amazing sessions made me wish I had managed to attend, and filled with resolve to at least attempt it in 2018).   One session that...

Inclusive Summer Programs

I really appreciated this ALSC Blog post about making library programs inclusive for everyone.  Leslie Mason (the author) has some simple and practical tips for making sure that kids with disabilities can feel welcome and participate in your programs.  I...