Super-Charged Storytimes

Storytimes!  They are the bread-and-butter of what we do as youth services librarians.  They are an important tool for sharing early literacy information and skills with kids and parents, they are a ton of fun, and most libraries have one. Now, thanks...


A child enjoys a play time in Bloomer The importance of play in the development of young children is so critical!  It is great to see so many libraries develop spaces and programs that encourage play.  I love hearing about and seeing playful elements in...

Empowering Parents

A parent and child play together in HawkinsMany of you have been trained in the Every Child Ready to Read curriculum, emphasizing helping parents and caregivers understand the importance of five early literacy practices (Playing, Talking, Singing, Reading, and...

Tips for Helping Kids Develop Language

Another Facebook goodie, this time from an IFLS librarian with an extensive and impressive early childhood background, Jenna Gilles-Turner.  I found this article about how to support and develop kids’ vocabularies and abilities to express themselves in one...