12/23/2024 - MORE online payment option temporarily unavailable - I'll post an update here when the online payment option is available again, and I'll post a message on the MORE Catalog homepage if the problem persists beyond Monday afternoon.
Getting out of the library can be tricky, but the youth services librarians in Eau Claire found that it was extremely valuable in getting some new ideas for their library’s early literacy space. Shelly Collins-Fuerbringer sat down and answered a few...
Applying for an LSTA (Library Services and Technology Act) grant is a big project, but it can really make a difference to your library and your community. The Rice Lake Public Library applied for and received a literacy grant for 2012, and they are transforming...
I found this in Channel Weekly, it looks like a worthwhile free webinar coming up, especially if you are trying to make decisions about how to incorporate technology into your children’s room! Register on the day of the event.(photo by Leonid Mamchenkov)FREE...
Thanks to Channel Weekly for alerting me to these excellent, free continuing education opportunities!1. CCBC Shorts Are you working on your book tie-ins for this summer’s “Dream Big, Read” and “Own the Night” children’s and teen library program themes? Don’t be in the...
I accidentally posted this at the YSS Events, News and Info. Blog (take a look for some great reading), but I meant to post it here!Menomonie Public Library’s children’s desk has an inviting new feature: a magnet board! Jodi Bird, children’s...