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MORE Committees

Requesting agenda items for MORE Directors Council

Any MORE-member library director may request an item be added to MORE Directors Council or advisory committee agenda. Any other committee member may request an item be added to an advisory committee agenda.

The MORE Chair shall issue a call for agenda items 10 days prior to the first Friday of each month for possible inclusion on the Executive Committee agenda, and requests must be received by the MORE chair no later than 7 days prior to the Executive Committee meeting, and 21 days prior to the Directors Council meeting. These items may be added to the Executive Committee agenda and/or referred to a MORE advisory committee in consultation with the MORE Administrator and/or IFLS Director prior to inclusion in a Directors Council agenda. The MORE Administrator will contact the requester to inform them of the status of the agenda item and the rationale behind that status.

All requests should state the requested action, a brief overview of the purpose of the request, whether the item requires a special meeting, and whether the item should be referred to an advisory committee prior to Directors Council. Submit requests here.

The yearly schedule of MORE Directors Council and Executive Committee meetings can also be found on the IFLS Calendar.

MORE Directors Council and Executive Committee Meeting Schedule

Calls for agenda items  Deadline for inclusion on Executive Committee agenda, 8 a.m. on:
Executive Committee meeting date  Directors Council meeting date 
December 20, 2024  December 27, 2024  January 3, 2025  January 17, 2025 
January 28, 2025  January 31, 2025  February 7, 2025   
February 25, 2025  February 28, 2025  March 7, 2025  March 21, 2025 
March 25, 2025  March 28, 2025  April 4, 2025   
April 16, 2025  April 21, 2025  April 28, 2025 May 16, 2025 
June 10, 2025 June 13, 2025 June 20, 2025: Budget Hearing July 18, 2025 
July 22, 2025  July 25, 2025  August 1, 2025   
August 26, 2025  August 29, 2025  September 5, 2025  September 19, 2025 
September 23, 2025  September 26, 2025  October 3, 2025   
October 22, 2025 October 27, 2025  November 7, 2025  November 21, 2025 
November 21, 2025  November 26, 2025  December 5, 2025   

The yearly schedule of MORE Directors Council and Executive Committee meetings can also be found on the IFLS Calendar.

MORE Committee details

Find committee descriptions, membership, agendas, minutes, and meeting materials using the + to expand the committee section.

Questions should be directed to the MORE Chair and/or MORE Administrator.

Directors Council

The purpose of the MORE Directors Council shall be to set policies, standards and plans for the MORE system and conduct regular business of MORE such as routine expenditure, routine policies and/or emergency policies as needed, etc. Director’s Council

The Directors Council shall be comprised of the directors of the libraries of the MORE member institutions, acting on behalf of those institutions, and the director of IFLS, acting on behalf of IFLS.  The MORE Administrator and MORE System Administrator and other MORE staff shall be ex officio non-voting members of the Directors Council.

The regular meetings of the Directors Council shall be held at a time, date and place to be established by the Directors Council, but shall be held at least quarterly.  The date, time, and place may be altered provided that such decision was made at the meeting prior to the meeting in question or by emergency decision of the Chair, and provided that proper notice was given.  The Chair shall distribute notices and agendas of meetings.

A quorum of the Directors Council shall be required to conduct the business of the Directors Council.  A quorum shall be defined as the presence of members possessing at least 51% of all existing votes based on vote distribution by access points and 51% of member institutions.

Members: All directors of MORE member libraries


  • Chair: Tiffany Meyer, Ellsworth Public Library
  • Vice Chair: Leann French, Dresser Public Library
  • Secretary: Joleen Sterk, Menomonie Public Library
  • Director-at-large: Karen Furo-Bonnstetter, Woodville Community Library
  • John Thompson (IFLS)










Executive Committee

Limited to directors. Executive Committee members shall include the elected Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary; the Director of IFLS; and one Advisory Committee Chair who is appointed by the Chair of the Directors Council. The MORE Administrator and the System Administrator shall be ex officio non-voting members of the committee. The purpose of this committee is to conduct the regular business of MORE between meetings of the full Directors Council, to investigate and make recommendations regarding matters requiring the action of the full Directors Council, and to draft a prelimanary budget. Meets the first Friday of each month, more often if necessary.


  • Tiffany Meyer, Ellsworth Public Library, Chair
  • Leann French, Geraldine E. Anderson Village Library (Dresser), Vice-Chair
  • Joleen Sterk, Menomonie Public Library, Secretary
  • Karen Furo-Bonnstetter, Woodville Community Library, Member at Large
  • John Thompson (IFLS)
  • Lori Roholt (MORE), ex officio











Operations Committee

The Operations (Ops) Committee is open to Directors and staff. Charged with formulating guidelines and procedures for MORE circulation and resource sharing operations. Considers all system settings and makes recommendations on consortium policies. Meets quarterly.


  • Meagan Bennett, Bloomer Public Library
  • Shelby Friendshuh, Rice Lake Public Library
  • Karen Furo-Bonnstetter, Woodville Community Library
  • Heather Johnson, River Falls Public Library
  • Jackee Johnson, IFLS Library System
  • Rochel Karlson, Glenwood City Public Library
  • Christine LaFond, Clear Lake Public Library
  • Leslie LaRose, Augusta Memorial Library
  • Su Leslie, St. Croix Falls Public Library
  • Jennifer Rickard, Friday Memorial Library – New Richmond
  • Christy Rundquist, Pepin Public Library
  • Tori Schoess, Hazel Mackin Community Library – Roberts
  • Brandi Smith, Chippewa Falls Public Library
  • Jamie Smith, Hudson Area Public Library
  • Martha Spangler, Altoona Public Library
  • Paula Stanton, L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library – Eau Claire
  • Christinna Swearingen, Rusk County Community Library – Ladysmith
  • Brianna Zemke, Somerset Public Library










Resource Sharing/Collection Development Committee (RSCD)

The Resource Sharing/Collection Development (RSCD) Committee is open to Directors and staff. Charged with studying usage, finding ways to help member libraries use this information in their collection development practices and make recommendations regarding collection development for the MORE consortium; maintaining the guidelines for MORE’s High-Demand Holds project; and identifying trends in resource sharing with the goal of increasing supply, saving costs, and providing more access to the whole collection for all its members. Meets quarterly.


  • Jodi Bird, Menomonie Public Library
  • Stacey Brown, Bloomer Public Library
  • Cecelia Cole, IFLS Library System
  • Karen Furo-Bonnstetter, Woodville Community Library
  • Rochel Karlson, Glenwood City Public Library
  • Leslie LaRose, Augusta Memorial Library
  • Monica LaVold, Friday Memorial Library – New Richmond
  • Olivia Moris, Altoona Public Library
  • Krister Paakonen, Chippewa Falls Public Library
  • Paula Stanton, L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library – Eau Claire
  • Rachel Thomas, Rice Lake Public Library
  • Brianna Zemke, Somerset Public Library










Bibliographic Records and Standards Committee

The Bibliographic Records and Standards (Bib) Committee is open to Directors and staff. Charged with maintaining the integrity of the MORE bibliographic database. Sets rules for cataloging and deals with questions and problems concerning the records. Meets as needed.


  • Meagan Bennett, Bloomer Public Library
  • Deb Faulhaber, IFLS Library System
  • Lynn Gates, L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library – Eau Claire
  • Jon George, River Falls Public Library
  • Amy Ginsbach, Hudson Public Library
  • Jennifer Rickard, Friday Memorial Library – New Richmond