Local Genre Headings
Code as MARC tag 655 _7 Term.|2local
These are valid local form/genre headings for the MORE Library System and have been approved for use by the Bibliographic Records and Standards Committee.
Example: 655 _7 Young adult audiobooks.|2local
- 4K films
- Beginning readers
- Books with audio player
- Books with cassette
- Books with CD-ROM
- Books with compact disc
- Books with puppet
- Books on MP3
- Books with DVD
- Books with DVD-ROM
- Classical music
- Detective and mystery fiction, Culinary
- Downloadable audiobooks
- Easy chapter books
- Exercise DVDs
- Experience Kits
- Foreign films|zName of country
- Foreign language television programs (Ex. Spanish language television programs)
- Foreign television programs|zName of country
- Gentle reads
- Graphic novels|z(country)
- Juvenile kits
- Launchpads
- Library of Things
- New Nintendo 3DS video games
- Nintendo DS video games
- Nintendo 3DS video games
- Nintendo Switch video games
- Nintendo Wii U video games
- Nordic Crime fiction
- #OwnVoices
- Play kits
- Portable energy meter
- Regency fiction
- Romantic suspense fiction
- Sing-along songs
- Sony PlayStation 2 video games
- Sony PlayStation 3 video games
- Sony PlayStation 4 video games
- Sony PlayStation 5 video games
- Sony PSP video games
- Spanish language films (Use appropriate language for item)
- Spanish language materials (Use appropriate language for item)
- Spanish language materials|xBilingual (Use appropriate language for item)
- Storytime kits
- Tonies
- Wonderbook (Audio-enabled book)
- VOX books (Audio-enabled book)
- Xbox One video games
- Xbox 360 video games
- Xbox Series X video games
- Young adult audiobooks