Toolkit: Explore MORE 2024 Passport Campaign
Table of Contents
- Toolkits
- How-to: Digital Version of what you got in courier
- New this year!
- Staff passport
- Printables, posters, logo, and fonts
Explore MORE ‘24
It rhymes!
The program will run June 1 to August 30, with the staff program running until September 15. Watch this spot for updates.

The last month
Instructions for end of program:
- Return entry forms no later than Sep 14. Send them through courier, attn: Reb. Out of time? Scan and email.
- Return your tally sheet and your little wooden stamp any time between Sep 1 and 15. Please let Reb know how many passports you have left, and if you printed additional passports. This will help me estimate printing for next year. Tally sheets can be sent through courier or scanned and emailed, whichever works better for you.
- The stamp pad you can keep because it’ll be dried out by next year. Any paper resources left can be recycled.
- I’ll draw for the prizes on Sep 16 and announce winners by email, and on social media.
- Winners will pick up their prize at their home library. I’ll send prizes through courier.
Thanks for participating!
The last month
Wow, it’s August already! There’s plenty of time to start or finish up visiting ten libraries to get an entry form. Let’s give it a final push for the month. It never hurts to cross promote, so have info about library programs for passport visitors, and remind people at the library about the program.
Continue to promote with the prize social media posts. I’m adding a few additional posts to encourage people to start or finish up. I’m also adding a road trip game that you can print and hand out to people. Use the canva template to add your library’s logo, or just print from the pdf. There’s a color and a black and white version to suit your library’s printer.
Social media posts
Click on the image to open the graphic in a new window to download, or use the Canva links to customize for your library. Need help with this toolkit? Submit a HelpDesk ticket or email Reb directly at
The Last Month canva template Note: this is a premium image, so it won’t work with free Canva.

Size for most websites, 795×500 pixels
Spot the plate, color the state game
Click on the image to open the pdf in a new window to print, or use the Canva links to customize for your library.
Here’s the Canva link. Both versions are in this document.
Here are images for the grand prize, first prize, second prize, and runner-up prizes. I’m also including a poster that you could print on either 8.5×11 or tabloid size.
- There’s one template for all the Prizes on Canva.
- We want this program to funnel visitors to your library and website! Whenever possible customize by adding your url and/or logo.

- Canva template for prize poster, use as-is or customize it
- Prize poster pdf

The Explore MORE Passport program’s grand prize is a bundle of the best picks for your next Roadtrip! A cooler to keep up to 12 cans cold and a groovy little instant camera are the stars of this prize bundle, which includes a 2025 State Park sticker. See all the details at Pick up your passport at the library and start collecting stamps so you can enter to win!
Grand prize is the Roadtrip bundle. Get ready for your library and park adventures this summer! Pack up your snacks and treats in an REI Co-op Pack-Away 12 soft cooler that stores flat for easy stowing, take retro pics with the Fujifilm Instax Mini instant camera, pack some snacks in two reusable Stasher silicone bags, keep your passengers clean with Sea to Summit eco wipes (not pictured) and occupied with Kanoodle (and, of course, a few audio books or music from the library!), and a 2025 State Park sticker (sent to your home library in December when they become available). Illustrations are not to scale, prizes valued at $175.

The Explore MORE Passport program’s first prize is a bundle of the best picks for a Backyard Staycation! The star of this show is Spikeball, the most popular new yard game! Enjoy these prizes in your yard, or bring them along when you use your 2025 State Park sticker. See all the details at Pick up your passport at the library and start collecting stamps so you can enter to win!
First prize is the Backyard Staycation bundle. Spikeball outdoor game for adults & kids (comes with 3 Spikeball balls, a Spikeball set, a drawstring bag, and a rulebook to use if you’re into that sort of thing), Tribit bluetooth speaker, Black Diamond Moji compact rechargeable LED lantern for when you want to keep playing after dark, a set of mesh food tents so you don’t have to share your treats with random insects, 2025 State Park sticker (sent to your home library in December when they become available). Illustrations are not to scale, prizes valued at $171.

The Explore MORE Passport program’s second prize is a bundle of tried and tested finds for your Campfire! A Luminaid solar charger/lamp and Kelty blanket will make it easier to enjoy your 2025 State Park and State Trail passes! See all the details at Pick up your passport at the library and start collecting stamps so you can enter to win!
Second prize is the Campfire Bundle. Start with both a 2025 State Park sticker and 2025 State Trail pass (sent to your home library in December when they become available), a versatile Kelty Bestie insulated blanket (42″x75”) to keep you warm or use for your picnic, a solar charger/lantern from Luminaid, a Campfire Story Deck with prompts for telling stories around the fire, a laminated Wisconsin Naturalist illustrated guide so you can id all those beautiful plants and animals, an emergency kit in a (really sweet) hedgehog case. Illustrations are not to scale, prizes valued at $165

We’ve collected an assortment of the best individual prizes for an additional 9 winners! See all the details at Pick up your passport at the library and start collecting stamps so you can enter to win!
Runner-up prizes include:
- 2025 State Park sticker and 2025 State Bike Trail passes (delivered to your home library when they become available in December)
- Stasher silicone reusable snack bags, set of 2
- Black diamond outdoor rechargable light
- Kanoodle
- …and more to be announced!
June 1 is the start date for the program, here’s your first social media post.
I added a little animation in Canva to make it pop. It’s easy to do, and it’s the trick I’ll be sharing at the next Marketing Tea. You can use a version without animation, too, if you’d prefer. (Right-click on PC or control-click on Mac to download.)
I’m also sharing the template, in case you want to make it your own.
Explore MORE Passport program: All the details
The easiest way to get your passport question answered is to submit a HelpDesk ticket. You can also email Reb directly at
This is the online version of the toolkit you got in courier, and Reb will update promotional materials and info throughout the summer here. Weekly Digest, Marketing Tea, and Marketing Monthly will also share info about the Passport Program.
What came in courier
In this kit you’ll find the following items. Take a minute to customize your kit. (Linked items have printable versions.)
- Printed Passport and Plus-Five form inserts. .
- Participation posters to display at your stamping location and another visible location. (Go to printables)
- Entry form master.
- Tally sheet with instructions, and additional tally sheet. You’ll return the tally sheet to IFLS on September 1.
- Stamp and stamp pad.
Why participate in the Explore MORE passport program?
This is your chance to let visitors know about all the great things at your library and in your community! Each time you hand out a passport, stamp a passport or accept an entry form you have a chance to engage with your visitor. Here are some ideas that you could pick from.
- Hand out a library brochure, flyer or bookmark.
- Share what your library has added to the program (swag-bag, library-specific drawings, passive programming.) NOTE: if your library is doing something specific just for Passport Participants, that can count as program attendance for the annual report. See Leah’s full explanation below.
- Tell people about any upcoming events or special exhibits.
- Point out what you’re proud of at your library, and other community highlights you’d like to share.
- Ask if you can help your visitor find anything.
The passport program is also an opportunity to demonstrate how the library is an active participant in your town’s business community–that the library draws people to town and that they spend money while they’re there. Invite local businesses and elected officials to participate!
Set up and how-to
- Hang up your posters. There are printable PDFs and Canva template links in the Online Toolkit if you’d like to print more. If you don’t have a color printer, submit a HelpDesk ticket for additional posters, which will be sent through courier.
- Identify a place that people will go to get their passport stamped. Most libraries locate the stamp at the circulation or information desk. Use one of the posters at this location so people can easily find your stamping station, and stock it with:
- the stamp and stamp pad
- tally sheet
- entry forms
- Passports and Plus Five inserts
- anything else your library wants to add (swag bag, bookmarks, scavenger hunt)
Hand out passports
Anyone can get a passport. We’ll be keeping track of how many passports we hand out, so please keep track of any additional passports that you print. Offer people a Plus Five insert to collect stamps at non-MORE libraries.
Passport stamp for in-person participants
NOTE: One stamp per person per library. Exception is Price and Rusk county libraries that get two stamps each.
- Passport stamping should NOT be self-service.
- Stamp the box next to your library’s information. Price and Rusk counties get two stamps.
- Immediately stamp the tally sheet as well. The tally sheet tracks visits, so only one stamp on the tally sheet per person including Price and Rusk counties.
- Participants may have a stamp from an out-of-system library! They might have a brochure or other item to show they visited another library. They might have a photo of themselves at that library. Be generous! Use the Plus Five form to keep track. You can count up to 5 out-of-system library visits.
Passport Stamp for phone-in & E-mail participants
- ALL phone or email passport requests count as one stamp, including Price and Rusk counties.
- Phone and e-mail participants will be asking for a book or movie recommendation. You could leave that up to each person or create a list ahead of time that people can use.
- Once you’ve answered, give them your code. (NOTE: you can use any code you like, as long as it’s consistent!) Your phone code is your 2-letter IIRC code plus your phone exchange (the three numbers after your area code). Write this code on your tally sheet to make it easier to find. If you need help figuring out what that is, submit a HelpDesk ticket.
- Stamp the tally sheet like you do with an in-person visit.
- Phone and email requests don’t work for non-MORE libraries.
Use the Plus-Five insert to keep track of out-of-system library visits
- Participants may have a stamp from five libraries anywhere in the world! They might have a brochure or other item to show they visited another library. They might have a photo of themselves at that library. Any of these work when counting these visits! Attach a Plus-Five insert to the last page of their passport and use it to keep track. You can count up to 5 out-of-system library visits.
Handing out and collecting entry forms
- Add your library’s name to the master sent to you, and make copies as needed.
- Verify that the participant has 10 stamps (this can include out-of-system stamps).
- Cross out those ten stamps so they don’t get counted again. Remember that Price and Rusk county libraries each count as 2 stamps.
- Give the participant an entry form.
- When you collect the entry form make sure that the name and contact info is legible.
Does this count as a program?
From Leah: Participating the passport program is not counted as “program attendance” for the purposes of the annual report, unless the library is doing something special and specific for passport participants (some sort of passive program that they can do when they are there). Otherwise it is a terrific promotional thing that doesn’t fit the definition of a program for the annual report.
We love hearing from you!
If you’re having a problem or have a suggestion for how to do something better, other people can probably use that information
If you need additional supplies or are having technical problems, please submit a HelpDesk ticket. If you need help with design or communication resources, please contact Reb. kilde@ifls.lib.wi
Staff-only passports
You are awesome! Thanks for being library staff. For the second year, you’ll have your own staff passport program, with staff-only prizes.
- Customize your passport. Download your passport (pdf) or grab a printed one. Then write STAFF in big friendly letters on the front.
- Visit libraries to get stamps. 10 stamps = one entry for prizes. Please write STAFF on your entry form.
- The staff program will run from April 24 to September 15, 2024.
- Can’t travel? Call or email a MORE library, introduce yourself, and share your favorite library tip. They’ll give you a code to record.
- For in-person, only one stamp or code per patron per library with this exception: visiting one of the following libraries in person gets you two stamps! Bruce Area Library, Rusk County Community Library in Ladysmith, Ogema Public Library, Phillips Public Library, Park Falls Public Library (Price and Rusk counties).
- On September 16, send your stamped passport back to IFLS by courier, attn: Reb. We’ll do a drawing for staff prizes in late September.
- Have fun! This is a great chance to introduce yourself to librarians at MORE libraries and beyond!
New This Year
- Hawkins Area Library will be joining MORE in mid-summer. They will be participating in this year’s passport program. Welcome, Hawkins!
- Winding Rivers Library System and St. Paul (MN) Public Libraries are joining Northern Waters, OWLS and Nicolet with passport programs this year!
- Use the Plus Five insert to keep track of out-of-system visits. Just staple it to the inside back cover of the passport as needed.
Logos, Fonts, Printables
Logos and fonts
Logo: right click to copy on PC; control-click to copy on Mac. This is for digital or normal print use. If you need a very large version, for instance for a banner, contact Reb for the appropriate file.
The specialty font is Twiddlestix (download free OTF file). Be careful on this site to only download the font.
Need help? Submit a HelpDesk ticket or email Reb directly at
- Passport pdf to print on 8.5×11 inch paper and Plus-Five form inserts. .
- Entry form master.
- Tally sheet with instructions, and additional tally sheet. You’ll return the tally sheet to IFLS on September 1.
- Prize poster pdf
- Participation posters to display at your stamping location and another visible location.

Website graphic, also works for Facebook.

Get your Passport Stamped poster
- Get your passport stamped PDF for print
- Canva template

Passport book to download. Print double-sided on 8.5×11 sheets. Then cut, fold, and staple.

MORE adventures, MORE prizes, MORE libraries poster
- MORE MORE MORE poster PDF to print
- MORE MORE MORE poster Canva link
Last year’s booklists
Let me know if you have ideas for new book lists, or have made any I can share!
- Explore MORE: Our People, Our Places These are some of our librarians’ favorite books set locally or by local authors. Start here to find a fun read to accompany your Explore MORE Passport adventure! (Adult fiction and nonfiction.)
- Explore MORE Passport: Just for Kids Books to bring with you on your Explore MORE Passport adventure!
- Explore MORE: Great Guides We picked our favorite guides to get you started on your Explore MORE Passport adventure! (If you can’t find what you want here, your librarian is happy to suggest other options!)
Minimal Required Participation: Each library will be asked to have passports and entry forms on hand to pass out, and appropriately stamp passports (not self-serve). Please pass out stickers to anyone who fills out an entry form (ten visits).
Add-ons encouraged: Libraries are encouraged to partner with other MORE libraries and local businesses to expand the passport program locally.
Primary Goal: Increase visitor traffic in libraries.
Secondary Goals:
- Demonstrate the MORE system: you can check a book out from Rice Lake and return it to Ellsworth!
- Lead up to Summer Library Programs.
- Promote the MORE app.
- Increase circulation, expand the number of card-holders.
- Cultivate partnerships between libraries and local businesses.
Q & A
Submit your questions with a HelpDesk ticket.
Q: My stamp pad isn’t working very well. Can I use my own stamp pad?
A: Yes!
Q: When should people get stickers?
A: When they completed their first ten visits. Each library got 9 stickers. Let me know right away if it seems like that won’t be nearly enough, and I’ll order some more.
Q: What if someone loses their passport?
A:We didn’t think of this, but maybe suggest that people put their name on their passports. (Definitely adding that in the future!) Here are suggestions from the committee. We’re making an assumption of honesty here. (I’ll be able to tell on the IFLS end if people have submitted too many entry forms! Individuals are limited to 5 entries.)
- Suggest that they call the libraries that they’ve visited to get a code. They would only need to contact libraries they haven’t yet submitted for an entry form, or
- Ask if they remember the lost libraries. Again, they’d only have to reconstruct libraries that haven’t been submitted for an entry form.
Q: Can I get additional supplies?
A: You bet. I have spare stamps and stamp pads, and will print more passports on demand. BTW, you can also print more passports yourself. Keep track of how many you print on your tally sheet, and request reimbursement for that cost.
Q: Could you clarify for me the purpose of the highlighter? Is it to mark which MORE libraries are participating in the Passport program? If that’s the case, how do we find out who’s participating?
A: The highlighter is to mark 10 libraries that people redeem for an entry form. So somebody comes in and says, “I visited 10 libraries and now I’d like my entry form.” You would mark with highlighter the 10 libraries that they’re using to get the entry form. That way those libraries couldn’t be used twice.
Barb (Deer Park) suggested this wording: Step 1: Verify that the participant has 10 library stamps that have not been crossed off for entry. Step #2: When counting a library stamp for entry cross it off with the highlighter.
Q: Can people email for the remote code?
A: Email as well as phone are just fine ways to engage with the library to receive your passport code. Use your discretion with email: if it looks like phishing or just something super weird, you can ignore as you would with any phishing or inappropriate emails.
Q: Where are the entry forms?
A: You got one sheet to use as a master in the original toolkit that came in courier. If you’ve misplace that, go to the Logos, Fonts, Printables header and click on the entry form pdf.
Q: About the prizes, are the trail and park pass for 2022 or 2023?
A: The winner can choose. The 2022 passes would be sent out in July after the drawing. If the winner prefers 2023 passes, those would be sent out when they become available, sometime in late 2022 or early 2023.
Q: We’re in Rusk County. We mark our visitors’ passports with two stamps. Should we put two stamps on our tally sheet, too?
A: No, the tally sheet is keeping track of visits. Just put one stamp per visitor on your tally sheet.