YSS Powerhouse Presents
Leah Langby
February 20, 2015
Keeping Up With Kids
In the second* in a series of YSS Powerhouse Presents webinars for youth librarians in the state, Teen Services is the focus.  These free CE opportunities feature Wisconsin Library Association Youth Services Section members who are also amazing youth services librarians sharing tips, programs and more to help all of us improve services.  
Additional upcoming webinars this year include one on school age services, one on partnerships and one on the secrets of great youth collection development (no, it’s not all about buying new books!).  We also have four more webinars waiting in the wings! YSS is the proud sponsor of these webinars and hope you not only benefit from them but consider becoming a member of WLA and the YSS section where change for youth in WI happens!
YSS Powerhouse Presents: Teen Services Okay? Better Than Okay!
Join us for a webinar on Mar 31, 2015 at 1:00 PM CDT.
Sponsored and hosted by the Nicolet Federated Library System
Does it sometimes feel as if teens are from another planet? Speaking a different language? Three WLA Youth Services Section member librarians share their triumphs and tribulations in serving teens, with practical tips and examples on programming, great displays, and teen volunteers. After this webinar you’ll feel better than Okay about your teen services – you’ll feel great! Join panelists Terry Ehle, Youth Services Coordinator, Lester Public Library, Two rivers; Emily Heideman, Teen Services Librarian, Waupaca Area Library; and Becky Arenivar, Programming Specialist, Prescott Public Library and power up.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar from Nicolet Federated library System.

*the first was Storytime 101 and you can view the webinar here at the SCLS website. Soon we will have a space on our YSS website with all the webinars archived together. Stay tuned!

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