Youth Services Round-Up November 15 2023
Leah Langby
November 15, 2023
Keeping Up With Kids

Reminder:  Youth Services Check-In, November 29 at 2 pm

Topic:  Beyond Readers Advisory.  We’ll talk about resources and ideas for recommending games, toys, kits, videos, music, apps and more.  What resources do you like?  What kind of questions stump you?  How do you let people know about these materials, and how do you incorporate them into your usual recommendations?  How do you stay on top of what is popular, or do you even try?  Let Leah know if you need the log-in!

Indigenous Reads Rising:  a new resource!

Thanks to Kathy Larson from River Falls for sending this to me.  Indigenous Reads Rising is a new resource from We Need Diverse Books.  There is a wealth of great stuff on here, including a wonderful collection of booklists of recent and upcoming releases for Young Adults, Middle Grade, and Picture Books, including books divided by subject/genre (graphic novels, adventures, speculative, family stories, and more).  You can also find some excellent resources for teachers and librarians, including best practices, learning about Land Acknowledgements, state-by-state resources, and an excellent FAQ section.

Collaborative Summer Library Program Resources and Reminders

  • Hopefully, you all received a notice from our state Youth Services Consultant at DPI, Jeni Schomber, about the Virtual CSLP Summer Symposium on December 7 from 10-3:30.
  • I received 10 copies of the 2024 Product Catalog for CSLP (you can also do your CSLP shopping at Let me know if you want a paper copy (first come, first serve)
  • If you are starting planning for the summer, especially if you plan to use the Adventure Begins at Your Library theme, remember that the 2024 Manual is an excellent resource for you!  I’ve attached the instructions for accessing that manual.  You might need to check with a colleague to find out what your library’s access code is.

Scholarships for Power Up and PLA

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