Youth Services Round-Up December 6, 2023
Leah Langby
December 6, 2023
Keeping Up With Kids


Mark your calendars
Freedom to Read/Program Resources
Summer Library Program Resource Reminders
Accu-Cut Reminder and NEW DIES
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MARK YOUR CALENDARS for these Youth Services learning opportunities. More details in 2024!

April 17, 9:30-3:30  Youth Services Programming Workshop/Mini-Conference, Eau Claire, Florian Gardens

  • We’ll hear from Jamie Mercer in the morning about effective outreach, collaboration, and making programs and services accessible!
  • In the afternoon, we’ll have break-out sessions provided by IFLS Library Workers!
  • Please let me know by January 3 if you are interested in presenting a break-out session (30-45 minutes).  I’ll be reaching out to individuals in the new year with specific invitations, but I want to invite all of you to consider this! You can also let me know if you’d like to be part of a panel!  Some topics we’d especially love to hear about:
    • Summer library program planning
      • Promotion tips
      • How have you matched your activities/offerings to your goals?
      • Adventure-specific programming you are excited to provide
    • Effective outreach or community engagement efforts you’ve undertaken
    • How are you serving emerging readers?
    • Teen-specific programming and services
    • Something else you are really excited about these days
  • More details coming soon!

May 16, 9:30-3:30  Cooperative Children’s Book Center Workshop    L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library, Eau Claire
Join librarians from the Cooperative Children’s Book Center for a day of:
Book browsing
Book talks
Intellectual Freedom workshop
They’ll also be presenting an early evening session the day before, and a session in Superior on May 14 (in case that works better for you!)

Freedom to Read/Program Resources

Summer Library Program

  • Remember you can sign up for the Collaborative Summer Library Program Newsletter to get a monthly reminder of cool things in the Manual and program ideas and successes from other libraries across the country.
  • You can also sign up for the CSLP Summer Symposium, which will occur on December 7 (yes, this week), and will be recorded for anyone who has other things to do that day.
  • If you haven’t yet accessed the CSLP Manual, it is chock full of ideas for this year’s theme, Adventure Begins at Your Library.  Let me know if you need help accessing the manual.  I’ve attached a

Accu-Cut Die Reminder and NEW DIES

  • New dies are on the way to Phillips so that Jake can take your orders for cut-outs.  There are already quite a few shapes that have to do with adventure, but I found some great jumbo dies on sale and purchased a hot air ballon and a sailing ship to complement our existing collection.
  • Check the Accu-Cut section of the website for more information on how this works!

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Most of you are signed up for the YS Listserv from the DPI (Department of Public Instruction) Library Services Team.  Jeni Schomber provides Youth Services support to the public library community through program coordination, resource sharing, and consulting. If you don’t think you are on this list, I encourage you to sign up with Jeni to receive occasional emails about youth and teen programming, professional development opportunities, Library Services Team updates, and so much more!  Here’s how to do it:  send an email to with “Subscribe to YS Listserv” in the subject line.


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