3 Great Early Literacy Opportunities!
Leah Langby
June 21, 2013
Keeping Up With Kids

1.  Some of you have already contacted me about the Early Literacy Minigrants being administered by the state this year, to help you create a 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program or develop an early literacy space in your library.  In case you haven’t seen it yet, take note!  Priority will be given to libraries that serve a total municipal population of less than 10,000 and who serve children birth through age six with potentially limited exposure to early literacy experiences.

The application process opens on Monday, June 17, 2013 at 9:00am and closes on Friday, July 12, 2013 at 4:00pm.  For more information about the mini-grants, view http://pld.dpi.wi.gov/files/pld/pdf/2013_GWR_Mini-grant_info.pdf.  
The information sheet and other documents related to Growing Wisconsin Readers are available at http://pld.dpi.wi.gov/pld_ys-snunder “Initiatives.”
2.  The Youth Services Section of the Wisconsin Library Association and the Public Library Development Team at the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction are pleased to announce the joint hosting of an early literacy preconference at the 2013 Wisconsin Library Association annual conference.  The preconference will be held on Tuesday, October 22, 2013 from 12:30-5 pmat Hyatt on Main and KI Convention Center in Green Bay, WI. 

Jim Gill, celebrated musician and author, will serve as the keynote speaker as well as offer additional breakout sessions on the topic of music and play for young children.  Other breakout sessions include: Bringing Every Child Ready to Read 2 to Diverse Audiences; Early Literacy Library Spaces; Developing an Early Literacy Collection: Books That Work for Kids, Parents, and Librarians; Engaging Early Literacy Storytimes—Flannelboards, Puppets, Props, and More!

Mark your calendar now for this amazing pre-conference, and watch for more details and registration information, coming soon!

3.  IFLS will be applying for an LSTA grant to help our libraries with early literacy efforts.  Look for more information, and an invitation to participate, coming to your email box next week!

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