Weekly Digest: your questions answered, Chippewa Valley Book Festival,
IFLS Staff
September 26, 2024
Weekly Digest

Since you asked: Library Elf, MORE brochure update, and improved app quickstart guide

Library Elf for MORE to end December 31, 2024

MORE’s Library Elf custom notification service will be discontinued on December 31, 2024. You may want to suggest some or all of these account-monitoring alternatives to your patrons:
  • Get the MORE Libraries app. Add one or more cards and quickly access an account summary
  • Check your notice preference with library staff. You can get emails or phone calls from the library about coming due dates, overdue items, and holds ready for pickup. There’s a text message option coming soon!
  • Check your library account online at https://more.bibliocommons.com/user/login
  • Contact your local library
  • Sign up for a paid Library Elf account on your own: https://www.libraryelf.com/

MORE app quick-start guide

The MORE Libraries App printable Quick Start Guide has been updated to include info on adding additional cards in the app. Find this and other app marketing resources here: https://iflsweb.org/knowledge-base/more-app-marketing-toolkit/

MORE brochure updates

  • The current brochure still has Flipster and Library Elf on it. Those services will be discontiued at the end of the year.
  • We’ll be updating the brochure for the new year!
  • We did a small print run this summer, and have very few left in the office. Best bet is to print locally if you need more before the update in early 2025. The pdf version can be found in the article index under the MORE header or the Printables header.

Somebody’s on fire at BadgerLink

Two more newly upgraded resource in BadgerLink,

Chippewa Valley Book Festival, 25th Anniversary Year

Go to the Book Festival webasite for all the info about the varied and wonderful programs. All events are free, but you have to register. I’ve reached out about paper promotions, but I haven’t heard back yet. If they’re available, I’ll figure out how to get them out to you all.

Explore Your Public Library Dashboards This Fall

The Wisconsin Public Library Consortium (WPLC), in partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) and WiLS, has launched a statewide data dashboard pilot running through December 31, 2024.

During the pilot period, all public library and system staff will have barrier-free access to a statewide data dashboard of public library data as reported in the Annual Report to the DPI. The dashboard includes select data elements from Wisconsin public library service data, spanning the years 2015-2023, and includes the ability for individual libraries to visualize their own library’s data as well as benchmark against other libraries and peer cohort averages. The dashboard is available on an unlisted WPLC website page.

Training materials, including suggestions for data use, are provided as part of the pilot and can be accessed in the dashboard toolkit.

Please encourage library staff to explore the dashboards using the toolkit as a guide. Feedback on the dashboard pilot will be solicited later this fall.

Coming up soon

  • Are you going to Palooza? We currently have 52 people from 20 libraries in IFLS-land registered for the Library Assistant Palooza on October 15!  Thanks to those of you who have prioritized sending support staff to this workshop! Deadline to register is October 1.
  • Have you noticed the Collection Development webinar series? There’s one next Wednesday.


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