Weekly Digest: solar grant, new on Libby, Community Conversations, Hi Katie! and coming up
IFLS Staff
March 9, 2023
Weekly Digest

Grant for Solar!

EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) is accepting applications for grants that will fund solar installations at libraries around the world. $300,000 in grants are available to libraries looking to fund a solar project to reduce electricity costs. All academic, school, and public libraries that are current EBSCO customers are eligible to apply. EBSCO will pay for the initial installation through the grant. The library, town, or college will own the system and will be responsible for all post-installation/ongoing maintenance of the solar array.

All the details plus some helpful resources for grant-writing are on this Ebsco blog page. While you’re there, sign up for updates if you want to be the first to hear about grant opportunities listed there.

New Libby App features starting March 21

Beginning March 21st, the Libby app will include new features: Deep Search and Notify Me Tags. Deep search is a feature that allows users to discover titles that are not yet in your library’s collection. When a user finds such a title, they can add a Notify Me tag to be alerted if your library acquires the title in the future. The Recommend to Library (RTL) feature currently available on the Wisconsin’s Digital Library website and in the legacy OverDrive app will be removed on May 1, 2023.  For more information, please visit IFLS’s E-Resources page. Questions? Contact Cecelia Cole, IFLS Resource Sharing and Collection Consultant.

Community Conversations in Menomonie

Joleen Sterk, Menomonie Public Library Director, facilitated a Community Conversation about the public library and its future. You can watch Joleen’s presentation, thanks to WisCommunity. This is a great way to take the lead in how a community talks about its library!

Hi, Katie!

The Weekly Digest will continue to introduce you to IFLS staff! Katie Shay started working at IFLS late last year, stepping into the Interlibrary Loan Consultant position. Katie has worked in all kinds of different libraries over the past 10 years: public (Menomonie and Eau Claire public libraries), school (River Heights Elementary in Menomonie), and academic (UW-Stout). She learned ILL during her time at Stout and is thrilled to apply what she’s learned to public library service through IFLS. Katie lives in Menomonie where she is highly active in her local community theater as a director, actor, and board member. While most of her library training has been on the job, Katie is also currently enrolled in the Library and Information Services program through Chippewa Valley Technical College and is thoroughly enjoying learning the formal side of library work. Welcome, Katie! We’re happy to have you on our team.

Coming up at IFLS

Just added!

  • Vocal Health Workshop, May 10, 10 am-12 noon, L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library. Do you ever finish a day and find that your voice is tired, hoarse, or sore?  Join us for a workshop to explore what it means to be vocally healthy led by Kat Sherman who is passionate about helping people uncover, develop, and protect their beautiful and unique voice. Kat has a degree in vocal performance from UWEC and has been actively teaching, studying and performing for 28 years. More details are on the calendar. Register by May 5.
  • Upcoming MORE Operations Committee meetings are up! Put MORE in the calendar search bar to see a listing of all MORE meetings coming up.search calendar

On the calendar

  • March 14 & 16, Webmaster office hours
  • Friday, March 17, MORE Directors Council meeting
  • April 26 is the launch date for the 2023 Explore MORE Passport Program! Watch for information and marketing resources in Marketing Monthly and your inbox soon.

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