Weekly Digest: privacy, Beanstack news, advocacy, Passport update, coming up
IFLS Staff
March 30, 2023
Weekly Digest

Privacy: is your library up to speed?

Wisconsin public library workers have access to a tutorial covering the basics of privacy and public libraries, with specific attention to Wisconsin laws. All the details are on the IFLS Continuing Education page and is now added to the article index.

These tutorials were created by the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s iSchool, and are sponsored by Wisconsin Public Library Systems with support from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction’s Public Instruction, with funding from the Institute for Museum and Library Services.

Please contact Leah Langby (langby@ifls.lib.wi.us) with questions, or if you have any difficulty accessing the tutorials.

Good news for Beanstack users!

DPI has obtained procurement authority from the Department of Administration and a seamless transition is expected from the previous statewide contract to a new one with Beanstack.  You can plan with the confidence that Beanstack will be available for coming year.

ALA issues a statement condemning ongoing threats against libraries

Here’s the Full Text of an ALA Statement (March 27, 2023)

St. Catherine’s University: scholarships available for MLIS

Joleen asked me to pass this along (her daughter went to St. Kate’s). It’s an online program. Request information or go to their program’s website.

Gardening webinars for everyone

This series is sponsored by the Milwaukee Public Library and Melinda Myers.

If you think that your audience would like to participate in these webinars you’re encouraged to promote them:

Advocacy Alert: Joint Finance hearing in Eau Claire on April 11, 2023

This is an opportunity to stand up for libraries, and it would be great to have library trustees from our system in attendance. If you haven’t seen the emails from John Thompson and you’re interested in this advocacy opportunity, please contact him. thompson@ifls.lib.wi.us

Passport Update

New this year:

  • Cornell Public Library and CVTC will be participating!
  • Staff-only passports
  • Marketing Monthly has passport swag

Coming up at IFLS

Have a great weekend! If you’d like to include something in Weekly Digest email it to Reb by the end of the day Wednesday. kilde@ifls.lib.wi.us

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