Weekly Digest: free book, free training, return of Bioblitz, end of Explore MORE and Library Elf
IFLS Staff
August 29, 2024
Weekly Digest

Want a book?

IFLS still has 12 copies of this book Quadzilla Finds His Footing by A J Dillon to give away to any library that wants them.  Let Leah know if you would like a copy (or two or three or four) to give away or add to your collection!  We will donate whatever is left by September 13 to a local thrift store.


Bioblitz is coming!

The 14th annual Wisconsin Science Festival (WSF) is fast approaching (October 14-20), and your library is invited to participate as an event host.  This year the Wisconsin Water Library at UW Madison is assisting the WSF in support of libraries’ participation in the WiSciFest Bioblitz – a community science event that collects data on biodiversity in Wisconsin. Libraries are a perfect fit for hosting a mini-bioblitz and the Water Library is here to help.

A bioblitz gives community members the opportunity to explore and record the surrounding flora and fauna and can run for one hour, one day or for the whole week of the science festival. Hosting a bioblitz is easy and the Wisconsin Water Library (co-hosts a Great Lakes Bioblitz in the spring) have put together some resources for you.

  1. bioblitz resource guide contains important information you need to host your own bioblitz.
  2. A free, one-hour informational webinar will be held on Thursday, September 19 at 11:30. This is an opportunity to learn the basics of community science and how you might participate. The webinar is designed for both new and experienced bioblitzers. Click to register for the webinar.

We hear your questions about the end of Library Elf

We’ve gotten a flurry of questions about how to navigate the end of our Library Elf participation. Answers and toolkit are coming soon! We’re working on it right now. Watch this space.

Passport ends the end of the day on Saturday

You can stamp passports right up until the end of the day on Saturday. Send entry forms to IFLS attn: Reb the next day your library is open. We’ll draw for prizes on September 15. Reb is out of town until Sep 9, and is monitoring emails – there might be a response lag, but she’ll get back to you!

Staff can continue getting passport stamps until September 15. Send either your entry form (marked STAFF) or your stamped passport with your name and library on it to Reb before the end of the month.

IFLS is closed on Labor Day

We hope you have a splendid and safe holiday.

New BadgerLink resource highlights & training opportunities

Free Training Opportunity

Because Britannica Library–Young Children and Britannica School–Early Elementary are such similar resources, join us for the following training opportunity to hear about both!

NEW BadgerLink Updates – Britannica Early Elementary and more!
Tuesday, September 10, Noon Central Time Zone
BadgerLink and Britannica Education are happy to announce the introduction of a new product in the BadgerLink stable of resources: Britannica School Early Elementary!
Join this informative session to learn more about this new resource for students in grades pre-K through 2, as well as a quick look at new updates to the Elementary and Middle tiers of Britannica School. Finally, we’ll take a peek behind the curtain at Teach Britannica – a new resource coming soon to help bridge the gap between Britannica resources and classroom instruction!
Register to attend the live event or receive recording.

Coming up on the IFLS calendar

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