Weekly Digest: Book Challenges Hindsight, Grant alert, WAPL Conference registration open, some important dates and more
IFLS Staff
March 16, 2023
Weekly Digest

WiLSWorld Shorts – Book Challenge Hindsight: What You Wish You’d Known

On Friday, March 24th at 1:00 pm CT, WiLS is hosting a WILSWorld Shorts with a panel of people involved with K12 and public libraries who have valuable experience and advice to share on handling book challenges. Given the record number of challenges last year, a trend that shows no sign of slowing, what questions do you have of your colleagues? What might help you prepare for a challenge to your own collection or through a current challenge?

Do you read TWAM?

Important and timely information about MORE goes out each week. This week’s email includes info about next week’s Sierra update and the reimbursement deadline for the IUG Conference. Didn’t see that email? Make sure you’re on the list by submitting a HelpDesk ticket.

Save the date: state budget hearings

Republicans leading the Legislature’s budget writing committee have announced a four-city series of public hearings.The April 11 hearing will be in Eau Claire. Watch for more information from John Thompson coming soon.

WAPL Conference early bird registration is open!

Early Bird registration’s open! Register by March 27th to get the reduced price. Featured speakers are Lori M. Lee, BJ Hollars and Maggie Ginsberg.

Money Alert! Dollar General grant deadline April 27

All types of schools, public libraries, and nonprofit organizations that help K-12th grade students who are below grade level or having trouble reading are eligible to apply. The maximum grant amount is $4,000. Grants will be announced on August 17, 2023. The applicant organization must be located within 15 miles of a Dollar General store. Grant funding is provided to assist in the following areas:

  • Implementing new or expanding existing literacy programs
  • Purchasing new technology or equipment to support literacy initiatives
  • Purchasing books, materials or software for literacy programs

For more information and to apply, visit the Dollar General Literacy Foundation 2023 Youth Literacy Grant website.  (View article)

Coming up on the IFLS calendar

Just added! Wisconsin Libraries Talk About Race series. Search “race” on the calendar search box for a list of all opportunities.

  • MORE Directors Council meeting, Fri Mar 17th 10:00am – 1:00pm
  • MORE Executive Committee Meeting, Fri Apr 7th 10:00am – 1:00pm
  • Beyond Diversity 101: Micro-inequities, Implicit Bias, and Moving Toward (WI Libraries Talk About Race), Tue Apr 18th 11:00am – 12:00pm
  • Explore MORE Passport Program launch: April 26. Watch for details coming soon!

Can you help?

Here are two opportunities to contribute to these civic projects.

Voter registration and civic learning

The Wisconsin Civic Learning Coalition is partnering with The Civic Health of Wisconsin Initiative and the League of Women Voters on a Statewide High School Voter Registration Drive,  supporting school-based voter registration efforts across Wisconsin.

They would love your help in getting the word out, especially connecting directly with teachers and administrators in your local area to encourage them to take the pledge, and use the toolkit to support high school students in registering to vote and voting in their first election. This effort is a part of the first-ever National Civic Learning Week.

Needs assessment survey: substance use and mental health in rural communities

The Great Lakes Rural Opioid Technical Assistance Regional Center  (Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, and Ohio) is working to provide free training and technical assistance related to opioid use and abuse.  They are looking for input to ensure they are putting their efforts and funding to the correct priorities.

 They want to get input from people who work with others in their communities who may be impacted by substance use and other related mental health disorders. The goals of the survey include:  

  • Identify priority mental health and substance use education topics for rural communities 
  • Identify gaps and preferred methods for rural communities in accessing/receiving mental health and substance use education resources  

Survey will take less than 10 minutes to complete:    https://go.wisc.edu/t9z72m If you have any questions about this survey, please contact Amanda Coorough at amanda.coorough@wisc.edu 

Extra added bonus: Kelly Jensen

Kelly Jensen is an author and a blogger at Book Riot. She’s emerging as an important voice in issues related to libraries, mental health and censorship. Here’s her latest article, Anti-censorship Groups across the US: Book Censorship News 

Send Weekly Digest items to Reb by Wednesday each week. (kilde@ifls.lib.wi.us) Have a good weekend! 

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