Weekly Digest: a grant, WAPL conference, Explore MORE, coming up
IFLS Staff
March 23, 2023
Weekly Digest

Grant Alert

Deadlines: Quarterly; the last day of each quarter

T-Mobile Hometown Grants is a $25 million, five-year initiative to support the people and organizations who help small towns across America thrive and grow. Hometown Grants are given every quarter to up to 25 small towns with populations of less than 50,000. Apply for funding to support a community project of your choice, like revitalizing or repurposing a historic library, creating a downtown asset or destination, or improving a space where friends and neighbors gather. Projects that add to a sense of place or could lead to further investment are of particular interest. Grants are up to $50k per town.

Elected leaders, town managers and employees, and nonprofit leaders are eligible to submit applications. The full proposal should be three-five pages, and include a “shovel-ready” plan, and up to 5 letters of support.

Applications open on a quarterly basis with the following schedule:

  • Spring: Applications open January – March
  • Summer: Applications open April – June
  • Fall: Applications open July – September
  • Winter: Applications open October – December

For more information and to apply, visit the website: t-mobile.com/brand/hometown-grants

WAPL Conference

This year’s conference is in Oshkosh this year from April 26-28. Early bird registration is open until March 27. Go to their website for all the details.

Explore MORE Passport date correction and poster

Explore MORE will launch on Monday, April 24 (this is a correction of an earlier typo.)

  • Here’s a “Coming Soon” poster pdf or Canva template
  • Here’s this year’s logo: 2023 Logo
  • The public-facing page is live
  • The Marketing team is tying up loose ends and finishing up your digital and physical tool kits.

Coming Up at IFLS

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