Weekly Digest: a chill week with only 5 topics
IFLS Staff
May 30, 2024
Weekly Digest

Tip Jar!

Open Meetings Law: Walking Quorums – Beware!

Be sure to educate your boards on walking quorums, which can happen easier than you think.

Example: Gandalf is willing to put on a firework display for a library SRP kickoff but needs board approval for cost recovery. He tells this to Frodo on his way into town. Frodo loves the idea so much that he tells Sam about it later that day. Sam agrees that it’s a great idea and the library should support the fireworks show. The next day, Sam runs into Pippin, whom he tells… who tells Merry… and so on.

These board members have just violated Open Meeting Law by creating a walking quorum. They discussed library business, (funding a program), and they seem to have also made a decision about that business, (supporting it), all outside of a regular meeting.

Bad Hobbitses, they clearly didn’t read this compliance guide – thankfully you did!

Reminder about this survey, ends June 7

The Wisconsin Library Buildings & Spaces project is entering its second year. We wish to hear more about what interests YOU so this statewide resource more closely matches our library community’s needs and desires. Your answers will help us refresh and expand the web page content and impact the next steps for the Wisconsin Facilities Assessment!

Click here to take the survey.

Some free books from Leah

We still have 15 paperback copies of Quadzilla Finds His Footing by Green Bay Packers Running Back AJ Dillon to give away to interested libraries.  If you are interested in one of these copies to add to your collection OR give away, please let Leah know (langby@ifls.lib.wi.us).  First come, first serve.

Explore MORE Passport update

  • If you didn’t get your passport packet or your stamp and stamp pad, please contact Reb ASAP with a HelpDesk ticket or at kilde@ifls.lib.wi.us.
  • Prize details are up on the public-facing page (https://iflsweb.org/exploremore2024/). Reb is working on getting all of your promotional materials up on the toolkit page right now. If you don’t see there now, check back. She’ll be updating that page regularly.

Coming up on the IFLS calendar

See something missing? Submit a HelpDesk ticket. Committee chairs, please add Reb (kilde@ifls.lib.wi.us) to your email list so I can keep up with new meetings, rescheduling, and cancellations.

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