Keeping Up With Kids is Leah Langby’s long-running popular blog. She delves into subjects related to Youth Services from many different angles.
YS Update
Contents: New Lend Items Kits Scholarships Available to Attend ALSC National Institute Collaborative Summer Library Program—Free Virtual Author...
March 7 YS Round-UP
Contents: Rethinking Registration webinar YS Check-in Follow-up Book Give Away TeachingBooks for Libraries CCBC Choices Share Your STEM Awesomeness...
An Author in Our Midst
There are a few library directors in our system that are authors, and one of them has gone the mainstream publishing route. Shelley Tougas, the...
Youth Services Round-Up December 20 2023
Smokey Bear Reading Challenge Early Literacy Award Book Discussion Teen Internship Grant Opportunity Recommended Books by Indigenous Creators Teen...
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Weekly Digest is a compilation of the best information that crosses our desks at IFLS. Edited by Rebecca Kilde, so if you’d like something to appear in Weekly Digest, send it to with Weekly Digest in the subject line. Posts are deleted after six months.
Weekly Digest: some fun news and notes
We’re smiling for Elizabeth Elizabeth Miniatt (D.R. Moon Memorial Library, Stanley) and her team’s proposal was accepted for both ARSL (virtual and...
Weekly Digest: Happy 4th, a few opportunities added
This week’s digest is sneaking in before the holiday. Happy Independence Day Eighty-three years ago, Franklin Roosevelt proposed these Four...
Weekly Digest: Short and sweet
New! New puzzle competition kits (email from Katelyn) WVLS has recently added some new items to the LendItems catalog, and I wanted to call your...
Weekly Digest: Act 150 funding deadline, scholarships and other valuable offers, Adult Services check-in dates to save ++
Note from Reb: You’re awesome I’m hearing so many great stories about the start of summer at many of our libraries. Love that! So while you’re...