Keeping Up With Kids is Leah Langby’s long-running popular blog. She delves into subjects related to Youth Services from many different angles.

Scaffolding for Self-Control
Photo by jonas mohamadi from PexelsWell, last week whipped by while I was busy doing other things and I didn't keep up with my...
Summer Library Program: How Are You Managing?
Image by Wokandapix from Pixabay I came across an article from the Harvard Business Review about How to Get Through an Extremely Busy Time at Work...
Cool Stuff Round-Up!
A few weeks back, I put out a call for cool SLP promotion/ideas. I heard from 4 libraries with great info about their SLP (and beyond!). If...
Healing Library Kit Resources
Healing Library is a company that creates kits for purchase to help families process a traumatic event or situation. They have made resources...
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Weekly Digest is a compilation of the best information that crosses our desks at IFLS. Edited by Rebecca Kilde, so if you’d like something to appear in Weekly Digest, send it to with Weekly Digest in the subject line. Posts are deleted after six months.
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