Video Contest
Leah Langby
November 28, 2012
Keeping Up With Kids

2013 is the first year Wisconsin will participate in the Collaborative Summer Library Program(CSLP) Teen Video Challenge.  There are cash prizes, both for the winning entry’s creator and the library they use!  Instead of simply putting up a flyer in the library, try talking to the school’s film club, or passing on information to a specific teen you know who is interested in film-making.  When I saw this contest, I immediately thought of a teen I know, and passed it on to him.  He’s really excited to make a video, and I bet it’s going to be good–this kid makes lots of films.  Even if you don’t know a specific kid to pass it on to, ask around.  Someone will know!

Also, if you want to borrow the IFLS Flip video cameras to let kids experiment with making this film at the library, let me know!

Last week everyone should have received an email about this with an entry form, but the are also available here.  A pdf of the flyer is available here.  More information about the contest, including promotional resources and video creation resources, can be found at:
For the contest, teens should create a video promoting Summer Reading at the public library, including an interpretation of the 2013 CSLP teen slogan “Beneath the Surface,” to win $275 and a $125 award for the library.  Any teen, aged 13 -18, can enter the CSLP 2013 Teen Video Challenge in the state where they reside. Videos can be created individually or as a team. Each participating CSLP member state will select one winner.
The deadline is Friday, February 1, 2013.  The state winner will be selected by March 1, 2013.  The national winners will be selected in April 2013. 
Curious about what teens might make?  Take a look at the 2012 winners for inspiration:

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