John Green Shout-Out to Librarians and Teachers

I used to watch the vlogbrothers videos more regularly.  I got my fill of them a few years ago, but I got reintroduced when the Office of Intellectual Freedom blog highlighted a video that John Green made, talking about how his Printz Award winning book Looking...

Promoting Voting for the Teens’ Top Ten

The YALSA’s Teens’ Top Ten Nominations are out!  This is a list of 25 books that are nominated and selected by teen book groups from across the country.  Then, from August 15-October 15, teens have a chance to vote on the three they think are...

Rethinking Reading in the Summer

Reading Image from PixabayThe ALSC Blog has had a series of really interesting and thought-provoking articles about ways to re-think summer, and promote reading in ways that are inclusive, easier for everyone, and focused on the outcomes.  I think this is so...

And the winner is…someone you know?

I think awards and honors are pretty nifty.  I realized after attending nearly every Wisconsin Library Association Awards and Honors event for the past 11 years that it is really worthwhile to honor the hard work, dedication, and effectiveness of the librarians,...

Common Sense Media Discussion

There was a flurry of discussion on national list servs last week about the nonprofit media review site Common Sense Media.   ALA’s Office of Intellectual Freedom weighed in, raising the alarm that Common Sense Media’s rating guides to media of all sorts...

Serving the Underserved

I found this to be an interesting, useful, practical, and inspiring blog post from ALSC about serving GLBTQIA youth and families.  Also a plus?  It is from a nearby library (and the library I went to until I was 10) in Rochester, Minnesota. What are you...

A Poet-Tree for National Poetry Month

The Poet-Tree DisplayThanks to Jill from the L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library for this guest post.  I have not always been inspired to do an April Poetry Display, but this year I came up with this “Poet-Tree” and I’m really happy with it. It incorporates...

Simple Programs Are Sometimes the Best!

Thanks to Jill from LEPMPL for sharing this post!Last week was Spring Break in Eau Claire, and we held two sessions of BINGO!Family bingoWe had a school-age session on Thursday afternoon for an hour, and then a family session on Saturday afternoon for an hour. Both...